I owe letterboxd an apology
Former name: User7770186 (blame letterboxd not me)
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By far the most terrible entry In the leprechaun franchise (if you can even call it a leprechaun film)
This film has NOTHING TO DO with the leprechaun franchise
There's no comedy
No warwick davis
No little shit leprechaun
Just some bland generic monster that does not look a tint Irish.
It's just some generic monster movie that the studio called "leprechaun" just to sell more tickets
Also how dare this movie use the "fuck you lucky charms" line from…
The ending with lubdan in cement heavily implies we were gonna get another movie, but warwick Davis said "fuck that" and left.
Kinda wish we did get another one with him.
Oh well, two more movies to go.
An absolute drug trip this film was
Not to mention how gay raggity ann acts in this, it's oddly adorable.
Sad to see this film fall in obscurity, it deserves more love and appreciation like secret of NIMH.
Also raggity ann and babbette should've kissed, just saying.
This movie gets 4 full stars for leprechaun rapping in the end.
Warwick davis in numba 1 in tha hood G