One of the best cinema experiences I ever had in 2018 and still this movie gets me hyped!!!!!!
One of the best cinema experiences I ever had in 2018 and still this movie gets me hyped!!!!!!
Shitty cheap imitation of the first one.
Awful sequel. Very cringy with 0 stakes ever.
There was SO much heart in the first film with great performances from the whole cast with a solid storyline. This, however, was the exact opposite.
Having said that, Zooey deutch was genuinely hilarious. Every line was delivered perfectly and made me laugh out loud. She was the ONLY thing I liked about this.
Another classic I haven’t seen.
Loved it.
Straight 5 star.
Honestly loved all of it. What a film.
Best £2.49 I’ve ever spent.
Jim Carrey man, holy shit, what a performance. Kate winslet too.
I feel like the purge films have such a good concept but always fall a bit short in terms of storylines and acting. This one was actually okay to be fair. Was entertaining with a lot going on but felt quite forced at times. Even though it’s kind of an unbelievable world, a lot of the characters decisions felt very unbelievable. Was also super hungover watching this so maybe that’s why I’m a bit bitter towards it 😂
I did think Frank Grillo did a pretty good job though as the lead but everyone else was *meh*