Joe Quinlivan

Joe Quinlivan


Favorite films

  • La Haine
  • Lessons of Darkness
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Boy

Recent activity

  • Chungking Express


  • The Green Knight


  • The Suicide Squad


  • Old

Recent reviews

  • Old


    Watching an M Night Shyamalan movie is like opening a mystery box. Sometimes you get something good, sometimes you get something shit. Nevertheless you want to open the box. This time I opened the box to find a half baked, convenient piece of hot trash which felt like it was written in a spare afternoon.

    Sure, theres some nice points to be made about the inevitability of old age and death. But its kind of hard to appreciate these points when every other aspect of the film is trying its best to make you hate it.
