Youssef Seddik

Youssef Seddik

Favorite films

  • Dog Day Afternoon
  • The Darjeeling Limited
  • After Hours
  • American Beauty

Recent activity

  • Louis C.K.: Live at the Beacon Theater


  • Louis C.K.: Chewed Up


  • Louis C.K. 2017


  • Playing with Giants


Recent reviews

  • L.A. Confidential

    L.A. Confidential


    السيناريو في اوقات كتير كان متلفق بزيادة
    جاي بيرس عنده اكتر وش punchable شوفته من فترة طويلة
    الحوار في اوقات كان مضحك و في اوقات تانية كان ذكي و فعال
    الفيلم في المجمل ممتع و قصة مشوقة و كاست فوق الممتاز بس فقدت الاهتمام في تلته الاخير

  • The Shawshank Redemption

    The Shawshank Redemption


    Just watched this masterpiece from beginning to end for the first time. And god am I speechless! Hope, freedom, and free will, that is all a human being ask for.

Popular reviews

  • Babylon



    When I first saw the movie poster, I thought Im gonna love this movie. And when I watched the opening scene (not the elephant one), I KNEW I'm gonna love it. But... the movie kept on going and going, jumping from one place to another. And by the final hour it lost me, or I lost it. And I just wanted to end.

    Strangely enough, I've enjoyed it immensely. Every part of the movie was well-acted, written, and directed. And…

  • Bottoms



    I see why people love it, I see why people hate it. Usually that means it's a mid movie. and it was.