Josef Hautala

Josef Hautala

4 - Great
3 - Good
2 - Mediocre 
1 - Bad
.5 - Abysmal

Favorite films

  • Mulholland Drive
  • The Holy Mountain
  • Das Boot
  • The King of Comedy

Recent activity

  • Avatar: The Way of Water

  • The Wonder


  • La Strada


  • The Revenant


Recent reviews

  • Avatar: The Way of Water

    Avatar: The Way of Water

    It feels as though Cameron and his team spent the entire 13 years since the first film perfecting the technology, and only one afternoon on the script. It somehow manages to be more cliched and predictable than the first one, with far worse acting and dialogue. It’s also a good hour longer than it should be. It has far less of a plot than the first installment, but somehow manages to be almost an hour longer.

  • The Wonder

    The Wonder


    I'm not sure where all the positive reviews for this film are coming from. I was highly frustrated the entire time. The characters are inconsistent and undeveloped, and the performances are flat and monotone.

    Florence Pugh, whom I'm normally a fan of, gives a shockingly bad performance. It doesn't even seem like she's trying to breathe any life into her role. She looks even more bored than I was while watching the film.

    On a side note, this is the…

Popular reviews

  • The Batman

    The Batman


    The worst Batman film to date. Worse than Batman and Robin! Setting aside the woke, social justice warrior bull shit that’s shoehorned in what can laughingly be called “the plot” the film has a plethora of other glaring flaws as well. Too many to list here but I’ll try. 

    1. As previously mentioned, the liberal woke social justice warrior propaganda is as aggravating and nauseating as ever. 

    2. The story is needlessly convoluted and underwhelming .

    3. None of the…

  • Princess Mononoke

    Princess Mononoke


    I know people suck these movies off 24 -7 but if you can look past the admittedly stunning animation you’ll find a film with flat, one dimensional characters, a poorly constructed and often convoluted story with completely ham fisted, on the nose messages about mass destruction of the environment/nature. Subtlety is not something this film even attempts to have.

    Boring, confusing, stupid, corny, unintentionally funny, and just total cringe. This movie absolutely sucks balls.
