20yrs | Norway 🇳🇴 | Living in 🇦🇺
“So, what do you want to be remembered for?”
An aesthetically appealing movie to look at. Black Bag certainly goes back to the good old espionage thrillers era. I unfortunately just couldn’t get into the story at all. Nothing really sparked my interesting and excitement in the plot, and I found myself not really caring about the outcome of the story and its plot twists. As more and more pieces started coming together, I was constantly waiting for THAT moment to spark my excitement and lock me in. Unfortunately,…
Boy Kills World is yet another action packed revenge story combined with brutal John Wick level choreography! The stylistic and ferocious action sequences are certainly the movie‘s strongest parts. The final battle really slaps! Bill Skarsgård delivers on what he is given, and he overall gives a solid performance as the deaf and mute Boy. But I still feel like he could’ve benefited from both a stronger script, and the storytelling being heavily improved. The final act is unnecessarily messy and chaotic, and it all ends up feeling extremely rushed and poorly executed by the end of it…
2024 Ranked
"Together, Strong" 🥹😫❤️
The apes are back and they fucking rule! Kingdom of the planet of the apes is a promising start to a hopefully new masterful trilogy! I am in awe of how visually stunning and appealing these movies look, and I will continue to glaze them as long as I live.
While this new entry feels more like a setup movie rather than an independent story, I still feel like it manages to capture the essence of the…