

"Not fighting what we hate,
saving what we love"

Favorite films

  • Dune: Part Two
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion
  • Scarface
  • Amélie

Recent activity

  • My Deer Friend Nokotan


  • Foreign Land


  • Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves


  • Central Station


Recent reviews


Popular reviews

  • Serial Experiments Lain

    Serial Experiments Lain


    Mix the debates of human individuality from Evangelion (1995), with the dilemma of the persona from Perfect Blue (1997), and you get a guide on how to become a niche internet micro-celebrity

  • Spirited Away

    Spirited Away


    So much so for being regarded as the greatest Studio Gibli film, this thing has Ocean Waves (1993) levels of mediocrity for me.
    Guess I might not be getting the point, but this movie feels so shallow and pointless, and not in a beautiful poetical way like in My Neighbor Totoro (1988), it really is just a boring confusing mix of disconnected scenes that constantly feel out of place, just for the sake of looking pretty (which I do give it).
    I'm probably overhating because my expectations were a little too high, but the highest rated animation in this website? Hell nah
