my name is john diloreto, and i. love. movies.
#blankit 🫴
Man, even when he's not at the helm, Miyazaki knows how to fuckin pinpoint perfectly nail emotion and story. And taking little moments in life and really celebrating them for the true magic that they are. Loved it.
Its a fine, fun little short film. Cant say much more than that
emblazon a black screen, introducing one of the all-timer concert films, that feels like both a celebration and a eulogy for one of the all-timer bands, and an insane who's-who of 60's and 70's rock stars. Scorsese's steady hand, sharp editing, and pitch-perfect sound mixing make this such an engrossing and rewarding film. Do what the card says, and PLAY IT FUCKING LOUD!
damn those were some looney tunes!