Daniel D

Daniel D

Favorite films

  • Lost in Translation
  • Burning
  • Persona
  • Before Sunset

Recent activity

  • The Apprentice


  • The Substance


  • The Green Ray


  • Fallen Leaves


Recent reviews

  • The Apprentice

    The Apprentice


    Trump storyline - Entertaining enough, didn’t go as deep into his psychology or motivations as I would’ve liked. Still fun to watch him morph from like, a flat, generic business dude into Patrick Bateman-lite

    Roy Cohn storyline - Oh man. Oh god. You ok man? Oh fuck. Sweet angel. Nooooo…

  • The Substance

    The Substance


    6/10 as an absurdist cartoonishly corny body horror

    2/10 as a film with anything of well, *substance* to say

    Movies don’t have to overtly have any deeper messaging to be good or entertaining, but when the core theme is just repeated throughout without much variation well then I’m just left absently waiting for it to roll along to its eventual obvious conclusion without much interest

    I normally fawn over tales of gradual self-destruction or the hollowness of celebrity but the…

Popular reviews

  • Yi Yi

    Yi Yi


    I don't think it's hyperbole to say I've never seen a film done like this before.

    There's so many layers being operated on here - the pacing that alternates between meditative and jarring, the environment as a reflection of the emotions being experienced by the characters onscreen, the gorgeous snapshot in time of turn-of-the-century Taipei;

    but to focus on any of these is to do a disservice to the beating heart of the film, and that is a sobering, thought-provoking…

  • L.A. Confidential

    L.A. Confidential


    Just a good ol’ guys being dudes movie. Gives you the smut, intrigue and all around seediness of the midcentury LA underbelly a la LA Noire, but with more interesting leads than boring ass Cole Phelps. Not having a “Doubt” button is a small price to pay. Bechdel test completely in the toilet. But appreciate whenever films portray the police state as the real baddies

    Also something something Kevin Spacey saying “America isn’t ready for the real me” something something Apollo gift of prophesy meme
