I like movies. I am... johnnywalnuts.
Ed Norton is the greatest to do it
Disneys best live action and personally one of my favorite films with a great message. Also all of the characters are done perfectly.
This might be the type of movie thats better on rewatch because I was not a fan. I thought the end was a little confusing and I didn't care for any of the characters at all. Also was it just me that wanted to punch sandy in the face every time she cried? I found her annoying the entire movie. Unfortunately I have seen 3 Lynch films and have not liked any of them too much. This, Lost Highway, and Mulholland Drive. Just not my types of movies I guess, but I can see why people like them.
All time great film. Nurse Ratched is the most unlikeable human being in cinema.
After giving this another rewatch I'm ready to say this is one of the best comic book movies of all time. I know that's a flaming hot take, but it's so good. The realism and grit this movie has is incredible. The only minor flaw with this film is Lex Luthor is not who he is supposed to be and gets a little annoying at times. But the good in this outlooks the bad by a lot. Also, the Batman vs Superman fight is a top three comic book fight of all time.