Film Buff

Film Buff

Beware snowflakes!
Only true kino on this page and if you don't like it you can go back to your safe space ;)

Favorite films

  • Fight Club
  • The Dark Knight
  • Joker
  • Morbius

Recent activity

  • The Worst Person in the World


  • Morbius


  • Jigsaw


  • Saw 3D


Recent reviews

  • The Worst Person in the World

    The Worst Person in the World


    This is the problem with females these days

  • Morbius



    Finally a movies that dares.

    For too long we've had to endure the monotony of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Now don't get me wrong, I had my fun with the Marvel movies but ever since my bitch wife left me and took the kids, I can't seem to go see them in peace without these bluepilled NPCs in the box office giving me this fucking look. So now when i discover a superhero movie made for me, an adult who…

Popular reviews

  • Eraserhead


    bara ógjeðslega mikið svona vá ég er deep og öðruvísi type mynd. góðar myndir eru svo miklu meira og tekur listamann til að gera vel eins og quentin tarantino eða christopher nolan. mæli ekki með.

  • Dear White People

    Dear White People

    ég horfði ekki á hana en þetta er ekki í lagi
