Jon Holmes

Jon Holmes

By day: mild-mannered sports editor. By night: movie vigilante superhero.

Favorite films

  • Dazed and Confused
  • Donnie Darko
  • The Thin Red Line
  • Legends of the Fall

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • The Last Showgirl


  • September 5


  • Lee


Recent reviews

  • Toy Story 4

    Toy Story 4


    When you get a chance to go on a new adventure and make new friends... be brave, and jump.

  • Boy Erased

    Boy Erased


    The use of so-called ‘conversion therapy’ or ‘reparative therapy’ - the subject matter of Boy Erased - may be less common in the UK than in the US, but it’s likely not as rare here as you might think.

    In the Government’s recent National LGBT Survey, over 2,000 respondents (2%) said they had undergone it in an attempt to ‘cure’ them of being LGBT, and a further 5,400 (5%) said they had been offered it.

    Of course, there are many,…

Popular reviews

  • Much Ado About Nothing

    Much Ado About Nothing


    A rom-com! In black and white! Filmed at his own house in bloody Santa Monica! With all his mates in it! And the screenwriter's almost 450 years old! Well, of all the self-indulgent, pretentious pet projects we've seen from fashionable Hollywood directors down the years, this has to be right up there...

    Twenty minutes into Much Ado About Nothing, and the above concerns were still lingering. What an incredible house though, I thought - actually the perfect filming location, even…

  • Cloud Atlas

    Cloud Atlas


    My Top 20 most memorable (for a variety of reasons) Cloud Atlas characters:

    20. Dr Henry Goose (Tom Hanks) - whiskery 19th-century quack with dubious intent and even more questionable dental hygiene (which may explain why he values other people's teeth so highly).

    19. Ovid (Halle Berry) - balding, pointy-bearded, cyber-eyed back-street surgeon / locksmith. Appropriately named as Berry's transformation is one of the greatest metamorphosis moments in the whole movie.

    18. Older Ursula (Susan Sarandon) - 66 years old…