24 / here to make silly comments and no one can stop me
lover of black comedies, horror and british rom-coms🏹
unfortunately i just didnt care about the characters enough, they werent fleshed out well. with all the amazing actors in this i was hoping for more.
also i cant relate because i cant drive 💀
i must have completely missed what makes this such a highly appreciated film? failed to laugh once and found the characters so mundane and a big ick. usually i love a slice of life film i dont need a dynamic plot to be entertained, but my god this was not it. the two characters i started to like (the southern guy and the stoner) barely got any screen time. the nostalgia factor didnt resonate me, i cant relate to an american frat boy on a sports team. i’d probably cross the road if i came across any of them in the street
i must have seen this about 7 times, tears flow every god damn time 😭😭😭😭