Jop Emonts

Jop Emonts Pro

Favorite films

  • Norte, The End of History
  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire
  • Beau Travail
  • Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives

Recent activity

  • The Life & Death of an iPhone

  • A day in the Tent

  • Scenes of the Occupation from Gaza

  • Gaza Fights for Freedom

Pinned reviews

  • Tabu


    Tabu is a lyrical and sensual tale about the unsettled memories of a colonial past, it’s final witnesses now perishing. The bitter truth here is that colonialism never happened because of some grave inhuman evil. But rather through the most normal everyday indifference towards inequality.

  • Anora


    Seeing this film a second time underlines the tragedy while kind of detaching the comedy. Making the whole infinite money and sex fantasy seem even more acidic than it already appeared to me. It confirms my suspicion that this film is playing checkers and chess at the the same time. Does this make it a perfect film?.. I don’t know. But I respect the tactics of the game, if that makes sense.

Recent reviews

  • Yintah


    The sheer injustice of this is just astounding. An amazing and kinetic document of resistance against fascism.

  • There Is Another Way

    There Is Another Way

    A strong call to look for peace in a situation where war increasingly is framed like the only option. It seems to strongly cater to an international audience that’s on the side of Israel. Eventhough the way these stories are framed are not always fair. I still have admiration for how these people try to comprehend eachothers point of view with the immense personal loss that all of them have experienced.

Popular reviews

  • Viduthalai: Part II

    Viduthalai: Part II

    IFFR #28

    Hoe kan ik beginnen zoiets groots te beschrijven. Veelgeprezen Tamil regisseur Vetrimaaran heeft speciaal voor de 53ste edititie van IFFR eenmalig een speciale versie van zijn film Viduthalai in elkaar gezet. De film, een politieke thriller van meer dan 4,5 uur, is om commerciële redenen opgesplitst. Voor IFFR heeft Vetrimaaran deel I en II samengevoegd tot de epische thriller die het is. Met deze versie ging ook het tweede deel in wereldpremière. Waar deel I al een commerciële…

  • Source Code

    Source Code


    cAn yOu bEliEvE iT?! jAkE oN tHe tRaIn wItH tHe HiGh tEcH! wItH tHe tErRoRiSt aNd tHe ‘mUriCa aNd hE bOmB hE sToP tHe BoMb! hE tHe fUtURe mAn hE tHe mAn iN tHe pAsT! bUt iS fUtUrE HE dEaD! hIs oWn fAtHeR aLl aLlOnG with fOr the cOuNtRy yOu bElIeVe iN fAtE tHe bIg aCtInG! tHe fAtHer hE fEeL tHe bIg eMoTiOn oN tHe tRaiN wIth tHe bOmB!! NO cLiCkBaTi!!!