Zoo status? Bought.
This one makes me proper emotional, even if weird Elle Fanning freaks me out
Zoo status? Bought.
This one makes me proper emotional, even if weird Elle Fanning freaks me out
Cringing at how many letterboxd comments are probably just Oscar jokes.
Opening 20 are slick, fast and energetic - everything you’d want from an Ali biopic.
Unfortunately the pacing goes from weak to weaker and the movie by far outstays it’s welcome.
Filled with fantastic performances, but suffers from a bloated runtime.
Another review said “it’s a tragedy that never lands” and I couldn’t agree more.
Two solid hours of sadness and repression with no real let up - I expected this film to shatter my heart and yet the moment never came.
The sadness of Manchester by the Sea is not of the events themselves but rather the fact that the sadness is never truly acknowledged - there is no “what were they like” or “he would’ve been proud of you”.…