Jordan Guingao

Jordan Guingao

“Love has given me wings so I must fly.” - A Knights Tale

Favorite films

  • Frances Ha
  • La Bamba
  • Sing Sing
  • Linda Linda Linda

Recent activity

  • Frances Ha


  • Frances Ha


  • At Eternity's Gate


  • Into the Wild


Recent reviews

  • Frances Ha

    Frances Ha


    This film is a portrait of grief—not the kind that follows physical death, but the church mouse pangs of sorrow that slip across the floorboards of our souls.
    the quiet ache of adulthood; when you move to a new city, haven’t talked to your parents in months, or come home from work to an empty apartment. 
    often times we lie and pretend we are untouched, above and immune to little sorrows.
     We never let those faint snowflakes of grief settle…

  • Frances Ha

    Frances Ha


    i love how sophie’s glasses catch the light, the way they glint like silver, reflecting something hypnotic, something unreal yet alive. How this film is photographed—every person, every block, every object glistening with silver twilight. it’s the magic of shooting on film, the way 35mm celluloid imbues the world with a softness, a texture, a dreamlike glow. Frances Ha captures life not just as it is, but as it feels—
    but this wasn’t shot on film. they couldn’t afford it. it…

Popular reviews

  • Another Round

    Another Round


    Like Hideo Kojima, I too have a crush on mads

  • Lost Highway

    Lost Highway


    Watched this on edibles in Mary Sweeney’s brain class. I have never been more scared, fearful or paranoid in my life.
