

Trying to improve my film knowledge so despicable me isn’t in my top 5 movies of all time in the future.

Favorite films

  • Shutter Island
  • Notting Hill
  • The Pink Panther
  • Legend

Recent activity

  • Black Bag


  • Challengers


  • The Substance


  • The Long Game


Recent reviews

  • Black Bag

    Black Bag


    Lovely, compelling and would 100% do again (and that was just the Nando’s after). 

    Very solid film, my cup of tea this with many a twist and a turn. Michael fassbander is very good at playing the very quiet very clever character. The dinner table scenes were class, defo the point where I felt the most gripped. On top of this the polygraph (she’s not here kit) scene was brilliant too. Makes me want to watch a hell of a lot more murder mystery films as they do really tickle my brain.

  • Challengers



    Maybe I need to stop watching films after work when I’m cream crackered but thought this dragged quite a bit at the end. Like that final tennis match seemed to take years to get to the point (if you pardon the pun). I thought the end all got quite messy with things happening quite quickly without delving too much further into them. On top of this the music was so loud, that coupled with my dad’s snoring meant for difficult…

Popular reviews

  • Whiplash



    Makes me wish I’d never quit the Euphonium. If only I had my own Fletcher driving me rather than Mr Beer who, let’s be honest, detested his job as a music teacher. The music in this is so so good and the overall story is just brilliant. It’s so well paced and the passion from the conductor and drummer seems so real.

    One more thing, J.K Sinner is fucking incredible in this.

  • Primal Fear

    Primal Fear


    Edward Norton you little dancer, arguably a better performance than in fight club. What I am learning from all of this film malarkey is I’m terrible at guessing endings, like genuinely woeful. Fucking loved this one. First Richard Gere film and defo wanna see more of him, Laura Linney was brilliant and shoutout to young Captain Holt. Genuinely wanna watch it all over again already. Might just sack off the job hunt, live at home forever and watch films. Bosh.
