Think of my fav films more as a mood board
If you hate Wong Kar-Wai and Terrence Malik, you'll never understand me.
If there is a common thread recent coming of age stories are reckoning with, it’s understanding how the young are beginning to form and grow up into adults in an age surrounded by so many voices in “the age of information” (as we transition into disinformation). When tradition and culture begins to be shed away in pursuit of the “modern”, who exactly tells these children who, and how to be? To find joy and their humanity? Maïmouna Doucouré during preparation…
You're better off spending the cost of a ticket on a month of Netflix than going to the theater to watch El Camino. Feels more like a drawn out episode than a fully realized feature. Not awful and there's bits and pieces that are good. But we probably could have gone without this film and not miss anything.