Good god this was drivel. My girlfriend wanted to watch due to the drama and discourse and honestly I could have enjoyed spooning my eyes out more.
Weird scripting, weird delivery pointless shots of overly expensive shoes just all round slop
Good god this was drivel. My girlfriend wanted to watch due to the drama and discourse and honestly I could have enjoyed spooning my eyes out more.
Weird scripting, weird delivery pointless shots of overly expensive shoes just all round slop
I. What? Genuinely more musical numbers than any other film I've ever seen. This completely removes itself from the previous film and any points it made. This is like the director got wind that Joker was popular with incels and he just went noooo let's make a bad film then. Joker made some interesting social commentary this said absolutely fuck all
I enjoyed this well enough. Good performances (if ms Pugh did keep forgetting she'd put on a Yorkshire accent at times)
The story was interesting enough and I'll always be a fan of a film calling out the empire however small the call out is
A poor attempt at shock horror porn, sloppily makes its way through things the director thinks will cause the most gasps