

Favorite films

  • Platoon
  • Saving Private Ryan
  • The Social Network
  • Reservoir Dogs

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  • Saltburn


  • Zodiac


  • Arrival


  • Platoon


Recent reviews

  • Zodiac



    Absolutely loved RDJ's performance in this movie. Troubled, charming, and funny all in one. Even in his more subtle moments, he absolutely grasped my full attention.

    Furthermore, the use of silence as a way to produce suspense and anxiety was superb. The most gruesome scenes is where silence is heard most loudly, further exacerbating the direness of the scene.

    Also loved the interrogation scene. The shots at reading body language, faces of concern and utmost judgement. An absolute masterpiece of an interrogation.

  • Arrival



    Really enjoyed watching the process of deconstructing the Alien's messages and language, interpreting it back to them etc. And also the development of a romantic relationship between two beautiful supernerds.

    One intriguing thought that was posed from a dialogue between the handsome theoretical physicist and the flawless biologist is this: What is the foundation of society built upon? Science or language?

    Ponder that for a second yeah bruv?

    The movie was a bit slow, I wouldn't watch again nor did it have a lasting impact on me. However, it was an enjoyable watch.
