
Jared Pro

I’ve really learned the more films you watch the more you realize you haven’t seen shit. But that’s the beauty!

Favorite films

  • Blue Velvet
  • Chameleon Street
  • Paprika
  • GoodFellas

Recent activity

  • Heretic


  • The Fall


  • Violent Cop


  • It's Not Me

Recent reviews

  • Violent Cop

    Violent Cop


    Takeshi Kitano’s first film is in many ways as blunt as the title. Absolute authority unchecked is bad news. Simultaneously theres an illusion to the concept of chain of command, everybody has to answer to someone, and in their impotent helpless use what ever authority they can to not only keep their quota, pass the buck if you will, but maintain some kind of virility. Systems like this are both this hazy fantasia, but also this hell of paranoia. No…

  • Nickel Boys

    Nickel Boys


     Token Oscar bait check list.

    A Navel gazing gimmick✅

    A plotting watered down  soft tone that doesn’t challenge their Hollywood sensibilities✅
    smug period affectations✅

    ✅superficially getting at topics that deserves deep context and emotional understanding, to make “do gooder” liberals say “oh dear”

    ✅An actor from Hamilton making a cameo

    ✅Actors who looked they just came from stomping the yard at an HBCU fraternity

    Yeah yall got it academy

Popular reviews

  • Tabernacle 101

    Tabernacle 101

    “The demons have created a computer virus and planted it on the dark web, it’s designed to shut down all online systems on Earth.”

    Actual dialogue in the film.

  • Chameleon Street

    Chameleon Street


    “I’m a victim brotha, a victim of 400 years of conditioning, the man has programmed my conditioning, even my conditioning has been conditioned ha! But you know the thing about conditioning? It can always been turned back, one day conditioned hair will go back to kink”

    One of the most underrated, unique, and honestly important films of the last 30 years. Based on the true story of Douglass Street a con man in Detroit in the 70s. Who got his foot…