
JSigrist2 Pro

Finding my eyes, exploring my voice

Favorite films

  • Miami Vice
  • The Matrix Resurrections
  • The Souvenir: Part II
  • Ad Astra

Recent activity

  • Another Cinderella Story

  • High School Musical

  • Black Bag


  • Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping


Recent reviews

  • Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping

    Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping


    Amusing how literally Conner prefigures TikTok in this

  • Captain America: Brave New World

    Captain America: Brave New World


    A nothing of a film, like the least interesting parts of three different movies shoddily lashed together. No stakes, no character arcs, no material for any of its several villains to work with, and so little of substance actually happens that I can’t even account for the full runtime.

Popular reviews

  • Gradations I-II

    Gradations I-II

    Watched in:sent (no subject) and Gradations I-II in succession. I was caught by the way that the recurrence of images within a broader abstraction become touchstones, foundational pieces from which attention can launch into image- and sound-scapes that might otherwise hold no associations. Inversely, the recurrent images themselves feel redefined and opened by the abstraction that surrounds them, pulling them through negative and positive space and situating them in a larger aesthetic context, opening the possibility for meaning behind what images (tombstones, angels, wintery limbs) may otherwise portend. The whole is broken down into pieces, and the pieces gain meaning by their persistence into attention.

  • Jurassic World Dominion

    Jurassic World Dominion


    Just embarrassing. Totally lacking in the tension, wonder, and curiosity that make the original such a mainstay. Largely even lacking in actual dinosaurs!

    Tightens up marginally after it abandons the Maltese Bourne riff to spend a scattered handful of minutes doing dinosaur suspense, but Trevorrow manages to drain the creatures of both majesty and danger by deploying them at unmotivated intervals and refusing to let them actually harm anyone. Remember how much of the cast dies in Jurassic Park? The dinos are essentially…