

Favorite films

  • Once Upon a Time in America
  • American Movie
  • Pickpocket
  • Eraserhead

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Recent reviews

  • Dark Water

    Dark Water

    Eeeerrrrm….. jeepers cweepers… ☝️
    Eeeeeeerreerrermmmm jeeepers cweeepere haha 
    Eeeeeeaaaaauum jeepers cweepera hahahah!!! 
    Eeeeerm jeeepers cweepers wouldn’t wecomend this one to the faint hearted !!!!! Yiiiiles!!!! Haha!!! 
    Eeeerm jeeepers keeepers wouldn’t want someone faint hearted watching this thrill fest hahah 
    The only way I could have seen this coming is to watch the movie
    with a little bit more emotion and not worry too many things that are happening at once and then go to bed with the same thing and you have a great night and sleep good night and I’ll talk with the boys and see how you’re doing tomorrow I hope you sleep

  • American Movie

    American Movie


    Life is slow and hard and boring and you’d rather sit around and drink or do nothing but there’s always something that keeps you going and you don’t really understand why (doing) that something keeps you going. Sometimes the frustration or fear doing that something produces might drive you nuts but sometimes you actually doing the damn thing as a result of that fear or frustration or ambition ends  up getting the damn thing done and you’re not really sure why but doing stuff feels pretty good. 
    I love this film.

Popular reviews

  • Challengers



    jaw drop moment! 
    I think this is in part due to a group in the cinema who were gasping and laughing at loads of stuff. Cool, especially with a film like this; I feel it flourishes through shared viewing experience.

    So engaging, telling you you’re being sucked in. Elicit, but not playing too deep into shock factor. Loved the use of score, and narrative form was lovely. Overall just over the top dramatic (in a good way), stylistic (but never beyond…

  • Pulp Fiction

    Pulp Fiction


    “i shoved this watch up my ass, if you were to ask me that’s pretty pulp fiction kiddo”
    the most striking line in all of movies. forever sending tingles down the spines of cinephiles and non tarantino heads alike.
    pulp fiction is a film about human nature. we follow vincent, long haired man who wears a suit. he is a hitman but he also does heroin. he dies and so does z. i really like this story telling choice by…
