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Recent reviews

  • Goldfinger



    Goldfinger by Shirley Basset is sooo good!!

  • How the West Was Won

    How the West Was Won


    Great film if you have a fetish for manifest destiny, panoramic photography, or greensleeves.

  • My Sister's Keeper

    My Sister's Keeper


    When does House turn up?

  • Solo: A Star Wars Story

    Solo: A Star Wars Story


    Gotta speak my mind about this because I'm very mixed. Firstly, what I dislike. I Hate the lighting and colour grading of this film. With one of the highest film budgets of all time, spent on expensive sets, costumes, prosthetics, CGI, and much more, and it's barely visible all the time - WTF. And then exterior shots of planets have no vibrancy what so ever. It's like whoever filmed it handed the LOG video and called it a day. Absolute…
