Juan López De Mesa

Juan López De Mesa

Favorite films

  • Pulp Fiction
  • Wild Tales
  • GoodFellas

Recent activity

  • Chef


  • An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker


  • Hillbilly Elegy


  • Perfect Blue


Recent reviews


Popular reviews

  • Black Girl

    Black Girl


    Intente no poner spoilers de la trama, pero si hable mucho del simbolismo... Leer bajo su propia discreción.

    "I sat down on the curb, as i did everyday, to wait for destiny".

    "For me, France is the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom and my bedroom. Where are the people who live in this country? (...) I spend my life between the kitchen and my bedroom, is that living in France?"

    " Mother threw down the mask and told me…

  • Stalker



    "you dream of one thing, and you get quite another"

    "What's so bad about praying?", "It's just your pride speaking"

    "We see before us professor's new invention, an appliance exploring human souls! A soul-meter!" , "no, it's just a bomb. 20 kilotons"

    Amo los paneos que hace con la cámara, esos long shots son espectaculares! Visualmente es impactante, que tal la escena de las dunas de arena? O en la que está dormido sobre el agua! La cinematografía es impactante,…
