Rafeel Jubainski

Rafeel Jubainski

Favorite films

  • Blade Runner
  • Apocalypse Now
  • Black Angel
  • Stand by Me

Recent activity

  • Seven Years in Tibet


  • Captain Alatriste: The Spanish Musketeer


  • The French Connection


  • Dead Reckoning


Recent reviews

  • Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

    Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom


    O melhor indiana jones

  • With Fire and Sword

    With Fire and Sword


    O livro já é um dos grandes clássicos de capa espada, e o filme faz justiça ao livro. Qualidade histórica de figurino e ambientação é magistral, dá pra ver que eles usaram quadros clássicos como referência além de toda a pesquisa histórica, bonito demais!
    Apesar de não caber as mais de 800 páginas nessas quase 3 horas de filme, o diretor sintetizou muito bem as grandes batalhas e as principais partes da história principal. Obra fantástica que segue com qualidade os filmes anteriores do Hoffman. Filme de AVENTURA E AÇÃO com cenas fantásticas de batalhas épicas entre cavaleiros hussardos alados poloneses e cossackos

Popular reviews

  • Black Gold

    Black Gold


    A very naive movie about a simple "old ways" indian man taking care of an orphan china boy, teaching he the ways and the love for a horse, yes the name of the movie is about a black horse not the oil! I was misled by the title for my surprise, because the movie is very touching. Boy I cried with the love that grows between the Chinese boy and the simple indian man. A very heart touching story, the…

  • Casino Royale

    Casino Royale


    Nothing more 60s than this .... If it is bad or good is up to you to decide, I like it a lot!
    It's not a movie to take seriously, and if you do, you will probably not enjoy as much as I did
    Things kind get sillyer and sillyer at a point that you don't even care what to make sense, it's just pure fun... A Monty Python kind of fun if you know what I mean
