2022 First Time Watches
Excluding documentaries, short films, concert movies, and tv episodes/mini series. In order of when I watched them.
David Lynch Ranked
Average of 4.20 Note: Twin Peaks represents the first two seasons. Twin Peaks, nor The Return are accounted for in…
2022 Oscar Best Picture Nominees
Average of: 2.80
Nolan Ranked
Average of 3.73
David Fincher Ranked
Average of 3.55
Wes Anderson Ranked
Average of 3.55
2021 First Time Watches
Excluding documentaries, short films, concert movies, and tv episodes/mini series. In order of when I watched them.
PTA Films Ranked
PTA is probably the director I have the most controversial opinions on, so don't trust this list.
Ranking the Oscar 2020 Best Picture Nominees
Average of 3.61
Ranking the Oscars 2021 Best Picture Nominees
Average of 3.69
2020 First Time Watches
Excluding documentaries, short films, concert movies, and tv episodes/mini series. In order of when I watched them.