

Favorite films

  • Wild Tales
  • On Probation
  • mid90s
  • Jet Boy

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  • 4:44 Last Day on Earth


  • Quadrophenia


  • Queen & Slim


  • Rocketman


Recent reviews

  • 4:44 Last Day on Earth

    4:44 Last Day on Earth


    #38, 4.44 Last Day On Earth (2011)

    Idk. Beautiful visually, though some of the bits I didn't like. Bored me by the 20 minute mark but the premise is good so I endured and it was actually quite nice. Willem Dafoe is really hot and really talented and I honestly loved his character. The thing with the painting and the stages it goes through was amazing tbh.


  • Quadrophenia



    #37, Quadrophenia (1979)

    Really nice film to get back into the groove of watching stuff often. I like british accents, I like coming of age films, and I'd been meaning to watch this. It made me realise that I really like 60s vibes, the aesthetic, the clothes, the music, even the bikes. I kinda want a scooter now, but then again I kinda don't. Jimmy is a good protagonist in that he makes you root for him even though he's…

Popular reviews

  • Easy A

    Easy A


    #18, Easy A (2010)

    I don't know why I put off this film for so long. Honestly I don't think it's the kind of film that needs a long ass serious review so I'll be as brief as possible: Emma Stone is incredibly hot and I like how smart her character was. It made her hotter. Stanley Tucci is, surprisingly, even hotter. I used to not like bald guys, but ✨️Stanley Tucci✨️

    I had fun with this, even though it got a bit cringy and had to stop watching at some points (not the film's fault, I get second hand embarrassment from just about anything)


  • The Tomb

    The Tomb


    #13, Ligeia (2009)

    I obviously went into this film knowing it'd be pretty terrible. I decided to endure because Wes Bentley looks absolutely beautiful with that vampire aesthetic. Most of the main cast was good, though the script really didn't help much. Some of the shots are interesting, some are just plain weird and/or bad. The effects are terrible. I had to pause it every few minutes due to second-hand embarrassment. The ending was awfully predictable and just bad.

