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  • Pain & Gain


Recent reviews

  • Cloud Atlas

    Cloud Atlas


    Does anyone actually like this movie?

  • World War Z

    World War Z


    I think the Z in this film's title stands for 'Zzzzz', because you'll be catching up on some sleep as you snooze through this dud.

    Psych! It's actually pretty fun, and more than likely, the Z stands for Zombie.

Popular reviews

  • Pain & Gain

    Pain & Gain


    There's and old saying that goes "No Pain, No Gain". Although it's just a hunch, I'd bet my bottom dollar that this film's title is a derivative of that age-old adage.

  • 12 Years a Slave

    12 Years a Slave


    Based off Solomon Northup's novel of the same title, this film is a real eye-opener. We always hear so much about all the good that comes with slavery, but never about it's dark side. This movie changes everything.