

50% of RuneGate Studio. +1% for being the one that actually watches movies.

Favorite films

  • Hard to Be a God
  • The Devils
  • Dune
  • Apocalypse Now

Recent activity

  • Oddity


  • Snowtown


  • Mickey 17


  • The Prince of Egypt


Recent reviews

  • Oddity



    This movie gets half a star for each of the actual good scares that occurred in this movie. But 3 randomly good jump scares does not a good, or even watchable, movie make.

    The fact that this movie was so highly praised and lauded is simply laughable to me. Even more laughable was the atrocious dialogue and student film level acting. The little conversation tableaus that made up the bulk of the movie were so unbearably boring to sit through…

  • Snowtown



    A grim and punishing film, with the grit heightened even more by the intimate documentary style camera work and stellar local casting. A tough watch to be sure, but the main drawback I found was a lack of plot cohesion.

Popular reviews

  • The Devil's Bath

    The Devil's Bath


    The definition of a slow burn that, annoyingly, actually has an incredible payoff at the end. But that's not to say that the burn wasn't without merit - indeed, the first two thirds of the film are a delightfully melancholy and brooding glimpse into the life, culture, religon, and thought processes of 1750 Austria. A gloomy meditation on one woman's absolute depression and the lengths she'll go to escape the inescapable.

  • The Evil Dead

    The Evil Dead


    The shoestring budget and chaotic production is obvious upon a first watch, but does nothing but add to the charm of this incredibly inspiring horror classic.