

AVGN gender edition. If you wanna reach me on other websites, search stapletapeworms on pretty much everything and it'll be me.

Favorite films

  • Uncut Gems
  • Mandy
  • American Psycho
  • Nightcrawler

Recent activity

  • Free Birds


  • Blood Money


  • Our Drawings


  • Burlesque


Recent reviews

  • Free Birds

    Free Birds


    We're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to take turkey off the menu.

    That's right we're stopping the movie immediately after Woody Harrelson says We're going back in time to the first Thanksgiving to take turkey off the menu

    Part of why we turned this off is it is so painful to watch on streaming because they've made it 60 fps and it looks insane and disorienting

  • Blood Money

    Blood Money


    5 Payday Heists in a row and a Tekken fight is unfortunately not a coherent movie

Popular reviews

  • Junior



    Arnold Schwarzenegger is not allowed to have babies anymore, due to woke university initiatives and a TERF scientist who does not respect his bodily autonomy

  • Wolf Children

    Wolf Children


    I was so nervous this movie was going to be a serious film in the way that I would have to see children experiencing racism for being wolves or that the mom was going to die but it was serious in that it was extremely gut wrenching and lovely.