Mr and Mrs Smith for adults. The cast is hotter too.
I love dinner scenes. I’m an American who needs subtitles whenever British people are on screen.
I thought this was a Severance spin off for the first half hour?
Beautiful movie to look at
Power or the illusion of power?
The whole theater was kekeing and hahaing all throughout the third act. But the last five minutes left us speechless.
Wish some scenes were a little shorter and my man Igor made some different decisions at the end there.
Great time overall.
It could have been a vibe if that one girl didn’t start making accusation, aCUSsing
What’s the message im not sure but the film making is top notch. Love the lighting. Really attributed to the vibe of the scene just like how it feels when you’re tripping
About 45 mins I deadass I thought the credits were rolling. What was that? Random ads? Is this a French film norm?