the aesthetic pleasure of life
devotes too much emotion degusting the cinematic medium
(yet to add all watched)
The wanting.., The longing.., The Yearning...
And the regret.
My stratospheric expectations were almost met - I shall devour 2046 with less precedence.
The cinematography and temporal transitions were brilliant. Lasting vibes in pursuit. Mis en scene and Suture at its maximal, ahead of its time. Strongest shade of red you‘ve ever seen.
I’m gonna have my Maggie me now with Dressing on top.
holy cripes i swear rewatching it now, the movie was even better than before even with the twist and cliffhanger in mind, watching it in the best possible film format available in imax 1570 made it even more perfect. one of those those movies that has the capacity to bring tears out of you, the cinematography, the sound and music, the rendering, the pacing,
the acting was superb with their roles perfect (matthew mcconaughey with his brand of seriousness, anne…
What a complete film. Minus points for Jasper and co running around aimlessly.
An underwhelming and forgettable movie, Scott’s quips lighten the mood, but the stakes were never lower when Kang is so weak. The world building is impressive and real nice but they could’ve built on it - created a whole series bout the Quantum Realm or sth. Loki hyped this up but I am excited for his next chapter regardless.