Yeshua Wagner

Yeshua Wagner

2/4: best 
5: fair
1: not a film
3: a film

Favorite films

  • Tokyo Drifter
  • Hit the Road
  • The Beach Bum
  • How Green Was My Valley

Recent activity

  • 3725


  • Presents


  • The Living Room


  • Seated Figures


Recent reviews

  • 3725



    work print from Tatsu’s collection

    funny in a way i have come to expect from 16mm… 3725s now a luxury condo building, losing the intimacy of form we see here

    reveltory in the same way as 16th c still lifes: combining and merging forms that, heretoforth, are comfortable on their own (a benning train shot, a snow spinning camera, a color-image of a mundane task, timing camera movement to soundtrack)

    Tatsu seemed convinced by the separation of sound & image, and i almost believed him

    rly curious how the colors will come out in the restoration!!

  • Presents



    the most inhuman film ive seen (also entirely my fault for sitting front center; im told its eminently watchable from further back)

Popular reviews

  • Past Lives

    Past Lives

    i cant knock a union film but i always think abt that bit in merciers journals where he demands a 10 year moratorium on all new poetic production!

    also want to shout out the absolutely unhinged and packed house at music box, from the dude bemoaning grad school in mexico (for unclear reasons), the quite endearing fidgeter next to me who would mutter slightly incorrect plot points to me i guess (?) and also asked me for a mask (I…

  • May December

    May December


    what is it about these southern high school movies