honestly not that bad the premise is interesting
its so funny that he literally made this just to flex his daughters singing
the acting tho is a little rough
uhh yall r tripping this wasnt even that bad
miss millie bobby brown ate i fear she always has such interesting movie picks also her look in this ate DOWNNNN
i fucking hate chris pratt sk minus half a star for that
had me in the first half but lowkey started to snooze in the later half i wish they delved deeper into the history/the people vs robon-ess tho i feel like if they leaned more jnto the drama of it, it wouldve hit better
giving generic action movie when it couldve ate so hard if they did a but more world building
nothing like good ol lesbian religious trauma #whenursisterisurwife
its insane how well paced this short film is this shit was UNDER 30 mins and still had better pacing than half the movies ive watched