Films that need your full attention. Dramas, Mysteries, Plot Twists, Tension. "Light but Impressionable" counterpart.
Modern Military
Military films from Vietnam era to present day.
★★★★★ Five Star Michelin ★★★★★
My master list of all my five star rated films.
Godzilla and other related characters.
Monster Mania
Animals. Monsters. Ghouls. Vampires. If it bites, it frights
Apocalyptic Natural ☢️
Natural Disasters
Locked in 🔐
Suspense thrillers in a room, house, hotel, bus, car, anything that can be isolated. Welcome to "Locked In". Monster-Horror. Action-Thriller.
Unnerving and Disturbing
Films that make your skin crawl, shudder, or look away from the screen. General feeling of uneasiness throughout or certain…
Movies I grew up watching.
The Unknown
Unknown creatures. Unknown places. Unknown myths.