“Nav aizspriedumi? Nelaimīgais! Nu, tad jūs neesat nekas! Tikai aizspriedumi veido cilvēku gaumi, uzskatus… citos vārdos - personību”
es jūtos ļoti mākslinieciski inteliģenta
“Nav aizspriedumi? Nelaimīgais! Nu, tad jūs neesat nekas! Tikai aizspriedumi veido cilvēku gaumi, uzskatus… citos vārdos - personību”
es jūtos ļoti mākslinieciski inteliģenta
mani tur var redzēt tehe🥰
one day
i wanted to watch a basic, normal, romantic story
and netflix has alot of basic, normal, romantic series.
i started watching
i liked it
i liked the blonde, careless dude
and smart and pretty brunette.
life was good,
i liked the show.
till netflix pulled the most
gut wrenching,
and all this
made me wonder
“will i ever find that kind of love,
will someone ever love me like that?”
so yeah
i hate netflix now