holy fuck
not to be dramatic but this movie is actually a super accurate representation of what it’s like to recover from an ed. no joke it evokes the same feeling
super great though
holy fuck
not to be dramatic but this movie is actually a super accurate representation of what it’s like to recover from an ed. no joke it evokes the same feeling
super great though
love is much like a pomegranate—messy and always stains your skin and gets under your nails and confuses you, but you peel it anyways because how could you not?
“pomegranates are so beautiful and worth the mess and maybe i’m beautiful and worth the mess too.”
- some instagram post i saw a while ago
even if one outgrows the taste for the fruit, may there be solace in the memory of tang once shared between tinted, blistered hands.
so surreal. if only my letterbox followers (one single person) knew what this movie meant to me.