"I've fallen in love. I'm an ordinary woman. I didn't think such violent things could happen to ordinary people."
Beautiful, tragic, real. The ultimate hopeless romance for hopeless romantics. I cannot wait to rewatch.
"I've fallen in love. I'm an ordinary woman. I didn't think such violent things could happen to ordinary people."
Beautiful, tragic, real. The ultimate hopeless romance for hopeless romantics. I cannot wait to rewatch.
Sex, lies and videotapes changed indie filmmaking forever when it came out back in 89’. It’s subtle and sexy, it’s vulnerable and I could listen to the dialogue forever. And then there’s Spader who’s movies I have been binging (so if you saw me log 5 of his films no you didn’t). There is something very special anytime he’s on screen. I’ve heard it described like this: It’s something in his manner of speech, the way he moves, looks. He…