pretty solid film, quite enjoyable.
I watched it to figure out why it was being so heavily memed. I think
It's because people enjoy watching the limits of sanity even if fictional because everything you do seems rational and sane in comparison.
pretty solid film, quite enjoyable.
I watched it to figure out why it was being so heavily memed. I think
It's because people enjoy watching the limits of sanity even if fictional because everything you do seems rational and sane in comparison.
Very solid film, one of the best animated children's films I've seen in a while. It has this very new age perspective to telling children stories, very refreshing to see that.
Really good film.
Looks like a comic book come to life.
It's beautiful and excitmenting.
The charecters are a joy to watch on screen, great coming of age adventure based in the spiderman universe
Well that movie wasa really funny stoner comedy, it's really funny but it's dumb funny.
The plot is next to next to non existent, the story is just a means for thee comedy and the comedy like I said is really fucking good.
It's the kind of funny where you laugh and think "am I a bad person for laughing at this?", Think filthy frank.
Superb stoner comedy. Would be funny as fuck baked.