

Favorite films

  • The Thing
  • The King of Comedy

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  • Fight or Flight


  • Control Freak

  • Bunraku


  • The Monkey


Recent reviews

  • Fight or Flight

    Fight or Flight


    No pienso que es justo comparar esta película con lo que son las John Wick(no tuvieron el mismo presupuesto), pero lowkey me la explota cuando hacen muchos cortes en las peleas. Me desorienta un poco; tampoco es igual de satisfactorio. Josh Hartnett has this creepy ass smile he does when he's acting crazy I hate it. Other than that I fw him heavy.
    La estrella es porque la película terminó con la hacker genia esa explotando más fábricas o lo…

  • Control Freak

    Control Freak

    Miles Robbins is the son of two great actors --no-- two AMAZING actors, and yet he lacks a surprising amount of talent for acting. Yet I am fond of him in the papa's orchard kind of way. Probably because I found his father attractive and continue to find his mother attractive.

    Anyway. TMI.

    The movie advances at a snail's pace, something "creepy" is constantly happening and yet you are somehow constantly bored or unimpressed. The story beats are too generic…

Popular reviews

  • Barbarian



    I am rating this based on my initial reactions as the movie progressed. It is gross, it is shocking, it is vile, and, most of all, ridiculous. It is definitely one of those “what the fuck” movies, that are more interested in shocking you than saying anything actually meaningful; Tusk comes to mind. I’m not gonna sit here and say I wasn’t entertained —I was invested! The first half really pulls you in! The comedy is pretty good too. But once everything is…

  • Edge of Winter

    Edge of Winter


    I remember watching this and thinking by the end... really? Is that where the movie leaves us?
    It built up all this suspense, and just when things were kicking off, it peters out. This type of blue balling should be a criminal offense; seriously.
    All in all a pretty standard thriller; it could have honestly been more, what with the heart-rending and interesting premise. Alas.