

Favorite films

  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  • Rango
  • But I'm a Cheerleader

Recent activity

  • There Will Be Blood


  • The Last Black Man in San Francisco


  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly


  • The Lighthouse


Recent reviews

  • There Will Be Blood

    There Will Be Blood


    Daniel Day lewis rewrites the definition of hater in this generational beef. 

    daniel captured this INCREDIBLE character moulded from apathy and narcissism. BUT he is so utterly captivating, his motivation and passionate relationship with his found family style son 
    and then you realise you've watched this man warp into pure greed and you realise his son has been another tool for daniel to pick up and use as necessary. so nice to get a completely irredeemable selfish, violent villain TENSE

    paul danos performance in this movie is so PEAKKKKK, the way he committed to every scene he was in was so 

    im finished.

  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly


    one of the most incredible movies i've seen, you can see the influence it has had surrounding the western genre 

    LOVE the title, the good the bad and the ugly can refer to blondie, angel eyes and tuco but also the blue coats, confederacy and the surrounding fall out. we also see the good, the bad and the ugly all in each of our main characters.

    Blondies tendency to save people and show moral high ground over tuco and angels…

  • The Lighthouse

    The Lighthouse


    willam dafoe butt naked as zeus. best movie

  • Moonlight



    changed me.
