Tom came home during the cheese storage shed thing scene and wondered wtf I was watching, so much so he didn’t dare come and see but text me. Gave me a giggle
All in all, seriously cringey but the sort of watch a girl needed rn. Good vibes all round
Tom came home during the cheese storage shed thing scene and wondered wtf I was watching, so much so he didn’t dare come and see but text me. Gave me a giggle
All in all, seriously cringey but the sort of watch a girl needed rn. Good vibes all round
You ever had a Red Bull? Ive never had a Red Bull before, but I had a Red Bull last night - I really like Red Bull.
Drunk me actually liked this, who knows what sober me would think but I did have a giggle. Makes you realise you’d say yes to a whole lot more if money and responsibilities weren’t an object. Uni in t-5 hours and this is what I’ve spent my time doing over sleeping and I’m not mad about it
The world will break your heart 10 ways to Sunday. That’s guaranteed.
That being said, Lord I see what you do for others, help a girl out. Someone dance with me fr