Live Action is For Kids
Animation is For Adults
Mainly play video games. I love animation. Art is my fuel for life
Truly one of the movie ever made. The dialogue was just way too painfully bad for me to have any enjoyment out of this movie. The second half is okayish but still really basic and not super interesting, If anything the biggest praise I can give this movie, just like most of this trilogy, is that sometime it is so bad that it makes a decent comedy
This is one of the worst thing I've ever seen
Might have the worst dialogue and acting I've seen in any movie.
Some decent set piece but that doesn't carry the movie very far from how god awful everything else is
This is one of the worst thing I've ever watched... this takes everything bad about this series and make it so much worst, it takes every problem this series has and put them on full display. From the god awful dialogue, to being super pretentious, to not exploring any of its idea well. Not only that... this movie also has none of the usual thing I praised this series for. The Yuki Kajiura OST is barely not present (even if…