Very cute. Watched it once before, but felt like rewatching it.
Maybe one of my new comfort movies? Ask me in a couple of years.
Very cute. Watched it once before, but felt like rewatching it.
Maybe one of my new comfort movies? Ask me in a couple of years.
Sometime in 2012. I was staying over at my uncle's, and for some reason, he had this movie torrented on his computer, and turned it on.
Totally forgot the whole movie, but couldn't forget the character and the fact that this movie exists.
Once or twice a year, I would remember a couple of shots from the movie, but I couldn't put a finger on the title. But then, a couple of years back, it hit me - Google the…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Here we go again. This time, with my mom.
Needed to remind myself of the key things in the movie.
Mom said it was well worth her time.
Love it more than before, but the rating remains the same. More like 4.75 though. I appreciate the cinematography much more now.
Update, I'll share mom's review, word for word:
"His fear of love because he lost the people he loved the most, and then after saying goodbye to his parents and…
Ja još uvijek ne mogu vjerovati da sam pogledala ovako dobar hrvatski film. Toliko fora, toliko jedinstven dokumentarac, nikad, ali NIKAD nisam gledala ovakav dokumentarac, koji toliko dobro raspoređuje humor s ozbiljnosti situacije u kojoj se Rijeka nalazila nakon Prvog svjetskog rata. Jer je jedino takvim pristupom Bezinović mogao pravilno prikazati D'Annunzijev duh.
Znala sam da dokumentarci mogu biti interesantni, ali nisam znala da mogu biti OVOLIKO dobri i smiješni uz to.
Kao što su i mnogi drugi rekli, ovaj film potiče nadu u budućnost hrvatske kinematografije.
A ja jedva čekam skoro sudjelovati u toj budućnosti.