Favorite films
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
They introduced ~15 Chekhov’s guns in the first half hour and the rest of the movie was all payoff
1. Get Out is great. I would’ve voted it for a second Oscar if I could’ve!
2. Lakeith Stanfield is a Spanish name that translates literally to “The Keith Stanfield”
3. First rewatch since seeing in theaters and oh boy was it worth it. Watching it knowing the overall slant and end result makes you appreciate that almost every line serves a purpose
Maybe one of the best depictions of the bloodthirsty tyranny of small businesses and entrepreneur-mindset sickos. Just like in Sorry To Bother You, the precarity of modern capitalism undergirds every scene and plot point, helping to situate evil people more clearly in an evil system. A lot of people are saying this is Jake Gyllenhaal’s best performance, and they’re right: he was so convincingly sociopathic that Patrick thinks he’s actually a bad guy in real life. Woah!
Title joke: nightcrawler? dude was pushing 90 mph, that’s a nightspeeder if you ask me!
Loved it the first time I watched it a few years ago, and decided to give it another watch since I’m about halfway through the novel. It’s good! Every movie should abruptly put Woody Harrelson and Stephen Root on the screen at least once so that I can clap like a seal when I recognize them. Bardem’s Chigurh is fantastic and its sustained cultural relevance is well deserved. Small spoilers: following the old Western forms so well and so closely…