Kind of a wholesome ending when it was revealed who the spirit was, tying all the parts together.
But damn, the POV, killer twink and epic dad made this a slop fest
I was really looking forward to seeing this as a big fan of the novel and Herzog adaptation so I can’t help but feel underwhelmed by the mundaneness of this film.
Eggers has a good flair for the inhuman (Northman) and the Lovecraftian (Lighthouse) so seeing how vanilla and by the numbers this turned out was pretty unexpected.
The film also glosses over a lot of the more memorable scenes from the novel (sea captain’s log) and doesn’t really hammer…
“So the triangle in this scene isn’t just a shape, it’s a symbol. Notice how it’s slightly tilted? That’s the protagonist’s fractured psyche. And the empty chair? That’s a symbol of abandonment, but also opportunity, notice its dark oak textures? that’s morality, wood comes from trees, which die. She fell over the chair? Existential collapse!”