Igotthekeys .lgh

Igotthekeys .lgh

Favorite films

  • The Notebook
  • Parasite
  • The Gentlemen
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Recent activity

  • Snow White and the Huntsman


  • Parasite


  • Focus


  • Suicide Squad


Recent reviews

  • Parasite



    For me it is one of the only films of the last decade that deserves a 10/10
    It shows us that everything is ephemeral, that everything can change at any time in a good or bad way. I think this film represents the sentence "the misfortune of some makes the happiness of others"

    It's not just a story of a poor family looking for work and getting involved in a dramatic situation, there's so much more. It’s about the Feeling…

  • Focus



    This movie is GREAAAAT
    The cast, the acting, the unfolding of the story, the setting of the film is just perfect. It manages to captivate us from the first minutes, it’s funny, surprising it keeps a good rhythm all the long.

    If you don't like this movie you’re problem

Popular reviews

  • Senior Year

    Senior Year


    It's the kind of teenage film that we find on repeat but the plot is amazing without forgetting that it's very funny despite the fact that the end is not surprising

  • The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

    The Twilight Saga: Eclipse


    I really like this one but I would’ve liked it to be a little more tragic let me explain :

    Do you see when Belle kisses Jacob and Edward understands what they’re doing because he heard his thoughts? 
    In MY SCENARIO , Edward gets angry with Bella and decides to leave cuz he’s hurt in his feelings and leave her alone with Seth and Jacob who will fight against Riley and Victoria.
    Riley fights with Seth and Jacob is…
