Gavin GTheBaldGuy

Gavin GTheBaldGuy

Favorite films

  • Nightbreed
  • Young Guns
  • The Crow
  • Running Cool

Recent activity

  • Haunted Ulster Live


  • Woman of the Hour


  • The Crow


  • In a Violent Nature


Recent reviews

  • Haunted Ulster Live

    Haunted Ulster Live


    Being a fan of ghost watch for all these years and seeing this come up the Lagan in a review I was yes please. Especially coming from northern Ireland everything was so special from the adds. The third act just blew me away didn't see that coming but had to do a rewatch after just to see what the ending was again left me with questions. Would I recommend absolutely it's going to be my Halloween movie every year

  • Woman of the Hour

    Woman of the Hour


    Really good movie set in the 70s about a serial killer that went on a dating tv show.
    Really beautifully acted Anna Kendrick directs and stars in this movie
    Anna Kendrick is my guilty pleasure anything she's in I'll watch as she has a on screen presents that keeps you watching till the end

Popular reviews

  • In a Violent Nature

    In a Violent Nature


    When watching any horror or slasher movie I always put myself in the mind of the killer to make it a bit less scary. So to see a movie like this where you are the killer is brilliant. Shot perfect and the story is like every other slasher. The kills are amazingly shot where you see the cast it’s just off of frame. I can’t say enough great things about this movie you need to watch it.

  • Ghostwatch



    First saw this way back on the BBC scared the bejesus out of me. But looked for it ever since in retail shops. Found it digital on a sale for cheap as chips and I’m going to used it as my Halloween movie from now on. Definitely a classic must watch
