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- !!!!
- :/
- anyway cant believe 1977 produced house eraserhead and suspiria
- birth of octopuses??
- clearly im a wes fan
- criterion double feature
- david lynch secret menu
- david lynch sound designs my anxiety
- didnt see the first movie
- fell asleep for a bit will need to rewatch oopsie
- had high expectations that were not met
- happy pride month
- i am just a sleepy gal fell asleep early while rhea watched
- i chalk it up to pandemic brain
- imagine being the child that inspired this
- insane how good the reviews are for how empty this movie was
- international flight watch - wish i had seen it on the silver screen
- interrupting my real housewives mega marathon to.... do my homework!
- lady gaga was great
- matinee
- merry christmas
- minus one star for the bizarre racist fetishization from karin
- movies for agorophobes
- movies that are maybe about maine
- movies that hit different after quarantine
- new dvd copy!!!
- nic cage summer
- nitehawk flatbread with hot honey and ricorta holy shitttttt broooo
- nitehawk flatbread with hot honey you will always be famous
- obviously blue velvet is chrinologically later but im taking about vibes
- on the plane
- reese witherspoon sexy ghost movie
- script awful!
- still photography nan goldin
- the nitehawk cinematic experience
- this is the only movie i have seen during my thesis grind and that really says so much about me
- toshiro mifune kills
- trinity is so sexy it hurts
- trinity still super sexy
- watched with my dad - the target audience
- wish i had been able to stay up but alas i wake up before sunrise every day
- zendaya is a great spokesmodel